Selenium Course Overview
This Selenium Certification Training course helps you gain an in-depth knowledge of concepts such as WebDriver, TestNG, Wait, Locating Techniques, AutoIT, Sikuli, Page Object Design Pattern, mobile testing, and Selenium Grid. This Selenium Training features real-world examples to train you to use Selenium WebDriver effectively.
Skills Covred
Core Java concepts
Scope of test automation
Test cases using Selenium IDE
Selenium WebDriver
Locating techniques
Selenium Grid with TestNG
Automation framework
Selenium Course Curriculum
The Selenium Certification Training is ideal for test managers, test engineers, test lead, test analysts, quality assurance engineers, software developers, and engineers who want to learn automation testing with Selenium.
1.1 Keywords and Syntax
1.2 variables, operators, and control flows
1.3 OOPs overview from Java context
1.4 Exception Handling, File and DB handling
1.5 Collections overview, and ArrayList example
2.1 Fundamentals of test automation
2.2 ROI in Automation
2.3 Automation framework
2.4 Various tools and comparison with Selenium
3.1 What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
3.2 Features of Selenium
3.3 Selenium IDE - Overview with a couple of examples
3.4 WebDriver Architecture
3.5 Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Frameworks
4.1 Simple WebDriver Program Demonstration
4.2 Basics of HTML page, tags, attributes, and visible texts
4.3 Importance of attributes in locating elements
4.4 Installation of Firebug and Firepath in Firefox browser
4.5 Locators and Eight Locating Techniques
4.6 Creating robust locators using CSS and XPath
5.1 Execute Tests in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer
5.2 WebDriver Commands: Driving Browsers and Handling Cookies
5.3 WebElement Commands
5.4 Handling Various WebElements
5.5 WebDriver Timeout Methods
6.1 Handling Multiple elements using findElements() method
6.2 Handling Alerts, Pop-ups, and Frames
6.3 Limitation of Implicit Wait and how Explicit Wait helps
6.4 Advanced User Interactions
6.5 Taking Screenshots
6.6 Working with Firefox profiles
6.7 Handling File Uploads Using AutoIT
6.8 Introduction to Flash Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver
7.1 Arranging Tests in 3-As format
7.2 F.I.R.S.T Principles and SRP
7.3 Various Annotations in TestNG
7.4 TestNG configuration file
7.5 Configuration Annotations
7.6 Attributes of @Test
7.7 Parallel Test Execution Capability
7.8 Assertion APIs
7.9 Passing Parameters to Tests
7.10 Configuring Test Suites
7.11 Reports using TestNG
7.12 Reports using ReportNG
8.1 Introduction to various frameworks
8.2 Page Object Design Pattern
8.3 Data Driven Tests using TestNG and POI
8.4 Introduction to Maven and ANT
8.5 Use of Log4j
8.6 Use of Listeners
8.7 Typical components of a framework
8.8 Overview of BDD, TDD
8.9 Code Coverage in Java
8.10 Overview of Sikuli tool for UI testing
8.11 Introduction to Jenkins
8.12 Configuring Jenkins to invoke Selenium Tests
9.1 What is Selenium Grid?
9.2 When to Use Selenium Grid
9.3 Setting up Grid - Hub and Nodes?
9.4 Configuring TestNG.xml to run tests on Grid
10.1 Automate an eCommerce Application
10.2 Test Automation Requirements Description
10.3 What Next ? How to Start?
10.4 High Level Framework
10.5 Configurability—No To Hard-Coding
10.6 Modularity—Re-Use And DRY
10.7 Test Data Management
10.8 Logging And Reporting
11.1 Introduction Mobile App Test Automation
11.2 Introduction to Appium
11.3 UIAutomator with Appium
11.4 Locating Elements - UIAutomator framework
11.5 DesiredCapabilities for Android