DevOps Course Overview
DevOps certification training helps you gain expertise in the principles of continuous development and deployment, automation of configuration management, inter-team collaboration, & IT service agility, using DevOps tools like Git, Docker, Jenkins, Cucumber, Ansible, TeamCity, & Nagios. You will learn the various aspects of DevOps delivery model.
Skills Covered
DevOps methodologies
Version control systems
CI CD with Jenkins TeamCity and Maven
Software and automation testing frameworks
Configuration management with Puppet Chef Ansible
Containerization with Docker
Continuous monitoring with Nagios Grafana ELK Stack
Cloud on DevOps
Deploying Kubernetes clusters
DevOps Course Curriculum
This DevOps Online Training will be suitable for software developers, technical project managers, architects, operations support, deployment engineers, IT managers, and development managers.
- Introduction
1.01 Learning Objectives
1.02 DevOps Overview
1.03 Relationship between Agile and DevOps
1.04 DevOps Toolchain
1.05 DASA DevOps Principles
1.06 Challenges with the Traditional Approach
1.07 Addressing Challenges through DevOps
1.08 DevOps Approach to the challenges
1.09 Overview of DevOps Tools
1.10 Best Practices for DevOps
1.11 Categories of DevOps Tools
1.12 DevSecOps and Its Manifesto
1.13 Workflow of DevOps and DevSecOps
1.14 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
2.01 Learning Objectives
2.02 Overview of Version Control Systems
2.03 Role of Version Control Systems
2.04 Types of Control Systems and Their Supporting Tools
2.05 Overview of Git
2.06 Overview of Source code and Version Control Hosts
2.07 Deploy the Files to GitHub via Git
2.08 Assisted Practice: Deploy to GitHub via Git
2.09 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Deploy the Files to Bitbucket via Git.
3.01 Learning Objectives
3.02 Overview and Importance of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
3.03 Overview and Features of Jenkins
3.04 Set up Jenkins
3.05 Assisted Practice: Install and Configure Jenkins
3.06 Overview and the Features of TeamCity
3.07 Set up TeamCity
3.09 Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Maven
3.09 Assisted Practice- Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git, and Maven
3.08 Build Tools and Their Uses
3.12 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git, and Maven
4.01 Learning Objectives
4.02 Software Testing Overview
4.03 Testing Levels Approaches and Automation Tools
4.04 Test-Driven Development Approaches and JUnit Five
4.05 Test-Driven Development Approach with JUnit5
4.6 Assisted Practice: TDD with JUnit
4.7 Assisted Practice: Cucumber Installation
4.06 Behavior-Driven Development Principles Cucumber and Its Applications
4.07 Behavior-Driven Development Approach with Cucumber
4.08 Assisted Practice: Cucumber with JavaScript
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Behaviour-driven Development Approach with Java and Kotlin
5.01 Learning Objectives
5.02 Overview of Configuration Management Tools
5.03 Managing Infrastructure
5.04 Types of Configuration Management Tools
5.05 Overview of Puppet
5.06 Demonstrate Puppet Configuration
5.07 Overview of Chef
5.08 Demonstrate Chef Configuration
5.09 Overview of Ansible
5.10 Set Up Apache Web Server Using Ansible
5.11 Overview of Ansible
5.12 Set Up Apache Web Server Using Ansible
5.13 Assisted Practice: Setup Apache Web Server Using Ansible
5.14 Overview of SaltStack
5.15 Comparison of Ansible Puppet Chef and SaltStack
5.16 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Set Up MySQL database using Ansible
6.01 Learning Objectives
6.02 Overview of Docker
6.03 Overview of Virtualization
6.04 Docker Installation on Multiple OS
6.05 MySQL Database in Docker Container
6.06 Assisted Practice: Run MySQL database in Docker Container
6.07 Docker Installation on Multiple OS
6.08 Using Docker Compose to Manage a Container
6.09 Assisted Practice: Docker Compose with Centos
6.10 Docker Registry
6.12 Run Docker Registry with Centos
6.13 Assisted Practice: Docker Registry with Centos
6.11 Docker Networking
6.14 Demonstrate Docker Networking with Two SSHs
6.15 Assisted Practice: Docker Networking with 2 SSHs
6.16 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Build a Docker Image and Deploy to the Docker Hub
7.01 Learning Objectives
7.02 Overview of Continuous Monitoring
7.03 Types of Monitoring Systems
7.04 Demonstrate Nagios
7.05 Working with Nagios Monitoring Tool
7.06 Assisted Practice: Working with Nagios Monitoring Tool
7.07 Overview of Grafana
7.08 ELK Stack
7.09 Key Takeaways
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Add a Node in Nagios Monitoring Tool
8.01 Learning Objectives
8.02 Overview of Cloud Computing
8.03 Cloud Services and Models
8.04 Using AWS in DevOps
8.05 Kubernetes
8.06 Add a Linux Node to the Kubernetes Cluster
8.07 Key Takeaways
8.08 Assisted Practice: Install Kubernetes, Pod Configuration, and Joining another Linux node to cluster
Knowledge Check
Lesson-end Project: Host Docker on a Kubernetes Cluster
- Manage and Monitor the docker containers with dry tool
1.1 Course Materials
1.2 What Is Javascript
1.3 Internal Vs. External
1.5 document.write()
1.6 Alert And Confirm
1.7 Prompting For Info
1.8 Variables
1.9 Conjugation
1.10 Arithmetic
1.11 Redirecting And New Windows
1.12 Empty Links
1.13 String Manipulation
1.14 Comparisons
1.15 If Else Statements
1.16 Else If Statements
1.17 Switch Statements
1.18 Functions
1.19 Events
1.20 getElementById()
1.21 Escaping
1.22 Arrays
1.23 For Loops
1.24 While Loops
1.25 Breaking Out Of Loops
1.26 Skipping A Loop Cycle