Data Science with Python Course Overview
The Python Data Science course teaches you to master the concepts of Python programming. Through this Python for Data Science training, you will gain knowledge in data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, web scraping, & natural language processing. Upon course completion, you will master the essential tools of Data Science with Python.
Skills Covered
Data wrangling
Data exploration
Data visualization
Mathematical computing
Web scraping
Hypothesis building
Python programming concepts
NumPy and SciPy package
ScikitLearn package for Natural Language Processing
Data Science with Python Course Curriculum
The demand for Data Science professionals has surged, making this course well-suited for participants at all levels of experience. This Python for Data Science training is beneficial for analytics professionals willing to work with Python, Software, and IT professionals interested in the field of analytics, and anyone with a genuine interest in Data Science.
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Data Science
- Different Sectors Using Data Science
- Purpose and Components of Python
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Data Analytics Process
- Knowledge Check
- Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA)
- EDA-Quantitative Technique
- EDA - Graphical Technique
- Data Analytics Conclusion or Predictions
- Data Analytics Communication
- Data Types for Plotting
- Data Types and Plotting
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Knowledge Check
- Introduction to Statistics
- Statistical and Non-statistical Analysis
- Major Categories of Statistics
- Statistical Analysis Considerations
- Population and Sample
- Statistical Analysis Process
- Data Distribution
- Dispersion
- Knowledge Check
- Histogram
- Knowledge Check
- Testing
- Knowledge Check
- Correlation and Inferential Statistics
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Anaconda
- Installation of Anaconda Python Distribution (contd.)
- Data Types with Python
- Basic Operators and Functions
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Introduction to Numpy
- Activity-Sequence it Right
- Demo 01-Creating and Printing an ndarray
- Knowledge Check
- Class and Attributes of ndarray
- Basic Operations
- Activity-Slice It
- Copy and Views
- Mathematical Functions of Numpy
- Analyse GDP of Countries
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Analyse London Olympics Dataset
- Assignment 02 Demo
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Introduction to SciPy
- SciPy Sub Package - Integration and Optimization
- Knowledge Check
- SciPy sub package
- Demo - Calculate Eigenvalues and Eigenvector
- Knowledge Check
- SciPy Sub Package - Statistics, Weave and IO
- Solving Linear Algebra problem using SciPy
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Perform CDF and PDF using Scipy
- Assignment 02 Demo
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Introduction to Pandas
- Knowledge Check
- Understanding DataFrame
- View and Select Data Demo
- Missing Values
- Data Operations
- Knowledge Check
- File Read and Write Support
- Knowledge Check-Sequence it Right
- Pandas Sql Operation
- Analyse the Federal Aviation Authority Dataset using Pandas
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Analyse NewYork city fire department Dataset
- Assignment 02 Demo
- Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Machine Learning Approach
- Steps One and Two
- Steps Three and Four
- How it Works
- Steps Five and Six
- Supervised Learning Model Considerations
- ScikitLearn
- Supervised Learning Models - Linear Regression
- Supervised Learning Models - Logistic Regression
- Unsupervised Learning Models
- Pipeline
- Model Persistence and Evaluation
- Knowledge Check
- Analysing Ad Budgets for different media channels
- Assignment One
- Building a model to predict Diabetes
- Assignment Two
- NLP Overview
- NLP Applications
- Knowledge Check
- NLP Libraries-Scikit
- Extraction Considerations
- Scikit Learn-Model Training and Grid Search
- Analysing Spam Collection Data
- Demo Assignment 01
- Sentiment Analysis using NLP
- Demo Assignment 02
- Introduction to Data Visualization
- Knowledge Check
- Line Properties
- (x,y) Plot and Subplots
- Knowledge Check
- Types of Plots
- Draw a pair plot using seaborn library
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Analysing Cause of Death
- Assignment 02 Demo
- Characteristics of Private CLoud
- Web Scraping and Parsing
- Knowledge Check
- Understanding and Searching the Tree
- Navigating options
- Demo3 Navigating a Tree
- Knowledge Check
- Modifying the Tree
- Parsing and Printing the Document
- Web Scraping of Simplilearn Website
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Web Scraping of Simplilearn Website Resource page
- Assignment 02 demo
- Why Big Data Solutions are Provided for Python
- Hadoop Core Components
- Python Integration with HDFS using Hadoop Streaming
- Demo 01 - Using Hadoop Streaming for Calculating Word Count
- Knowledge Check
- Python Integration with Spark using PySpark
- Demo 02 - Using PySpark to Determine Word Count
- Knowledge Check
- Determine the wordcount
- Assignment 01 Demo
- Display all the airports based in New York using PySpark
- Assignment 02 Demo
- IBM HR Analytics Employee Attrition Modeling.